Call Center & Contact Center Service

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Choose The Contact Center Model That Best Suits Your Business Needs!

Outsourced Call Center/ Contact Center Model:
We provide customers with all the desired features of a Contact Center Service from our state-of-the-art facility. With a view to improving customer loyalty and business continuity. With the outsourced options, you will enjoy the following benefits.
  • Cost –reduction in personnel cost, rents, rates, and infrastructure
  • Improved business continuity
  • Scalability
  • Risk Reduction
  • Improved business control, security of data, and more efficient processes and procedures.
On-Premise Call Center/Contact Center Model:
We deploy reliable and sustainable Contact Center Solutions at your facility that meet your unique requirements and provide you with the right technical support. The entire contact center technology infrastructure is deployed on-premise at the client’s site.Our suite of products, features, and expertise in integration will enable you to provide unmatched services. We also provide customer service training to equip your staff with the skills required to effectively run the contact center and technical support to ensure 24/7 service uptime.
Cloud-based Call Center {CCaaS}
Run your Contact Center from anywhere in the world on a secure and reliable network. Agents can be at the office or at home, spread across any geography. We provide you with innovative mobile marketing techniques to engage your customers. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the compelling advantages of moving contact center infrastructure to the cloud as they seek competitive advantages in customer experience, satisfaction, and retention.


Interra Networks’ Solutions  delivered superior services that helped me monitor my business seamlessly. My ROI went off the roof after about 3 months of using a software solution i never thought i needed.

_Barrister Frank Okafor